Hi there!!!! WOW!!!! I can't believe it's almost mid-month and here I am JUST now posting our mini release re-cap!!! You'll have to forgive me. I've been wearing so many different hats here and keeping busy!
That being said, thank you for your patience and let's have a look at the projects from our Design Team and Special Guests. You know what? Before I even go there, can I tell you how awesome I thought it was to have our special guests with us????? I mean ALLLLLLL those talented ladies using Lil' Inker Designs goodies all at once? I was speechless and giddy all at the same time!! Thank you so much, ladies, and an extra special thank you to Amy Kolling and Jen Carter for making that all happen!!!! YAY!!!!
Ok, let's have a looksie at everything created for this release. We'll start with projects from our special guests using our new Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today Stamps and You Will Never Regret Being Kind Stamps, but here is a quick peek at everything we released with this mini release!
Beautiful project by Linda Nomura
Beautiful Project by Cheryl Knutti
Beautiful Project by Heather Nichols
Gorgeousness by JE Shay from the fabulous Winnie & Walter Stamps
Beautiousness by Jennifer Kinney
Ah-mazingness by Jill Hawkins
Giddiness provided by Laurie Willison
Lovely, lovely design created by Lisa Petrella
Ombré excitement provided by Lori Craig
Supah dupah spotlights created by Lynn Mangan
Tie Dye Spectacular Created by Tracey McNeely
Oh MY I NEED Nuvo Drops Now - Enabled by Nichol Spohr
Here are all the amazing creations from our outstanding Design Team Members!!!
I know! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
Now, you might recall I mentioned in our release post that we're going to have THREE WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!! To pick our winners I started by using random.org to generate three numbers and got 14, 15 and 17. Using the hop order as posted in full on my blog those blogs belong to Laurie Willison, Karen Baker and Lynn Mangan. SO, if you left comments for each of these ladies your chances of winning and just skyrocketed!!!!!
I've picked the winner of our Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today Stamp from Laurie's blog. Random.org chose lucky comment number 1 from Laurie's blog which belongs to
Miss Kristie Goulet!!!!!!!!!
The winner of the Angel Pets Stamps and Dies and Cover Up Die: Stitched Clouds is was chosen from Karen Baker's Blog. Random.org chose lucky comment number 29 which belongs to "DisDesigns"!!!!!!!!!
And from Lynn Mangan's blog, our chosen winner will receive the You Will Never Regret Being Kind Stamp Set. Random.org chose lucky number 18. Lynn's 18th comment belongs to "McStamper"!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ladies, please contact me at lilinkerdesigns.gmail.com with subject line May Release Prize Winner. Be sure to include your name and shipping address for me and as an extra easy reminder, the name of the item(s) you've won. THANKS!!!!!! I hope you're excited about your prize!
Thank you sooooooo much for joining me today and we'll see you in early June for another NEW RELEASE!!!!!
Lots of love and crafty hugs,

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