lucky am I to have these wonderful and talented ladies working with me? VERY! I'm VERY lucky!
This is one of my most favorite posts to do because I just love seeing everyone's creativity all in one place.
How about some winners?? Well........if you commented on Jen Carter's blog throughout this release your chances of winning a gift certificate just went WAY UP!!!!!
Remember, all comments had to be left by 7/26 at 11:30 PM EST in order to be eligible and all names are drawn using :)
Drum roll..........
From Jen's Day 1 post the winner is #15!
And that's Lin! Congrats Lin! You've won a $15 gift certificate to Lil' Inker Designs! up....another drum roll........ From Jen's Day 2 Post the winner is #26
And that's Lucy! Yay, Lucy! You are also a winner of a $15 gift certificate to Lil' Inker Designs!
Last but not least, the winner from Jen's Day 3 Post is #11
And that's Hippymom83, Amber Powers!
Congrats, Amber! You are our third and final winner of a $15 gift certificate to Lil' Inker Designs!!!
Aw, yeah!!
Congrats to our three winning ladies! You can each contact me by email at using the subject line July Release Prize Winner and I will get back to you with your shopping code!!
Thank you to everyone who left love for our designers throughout this release. You have no idea how much it means to read all of your comments and I so appreciate the time you spend doing that!!
This was such a FUN RELEASE!!!!!
We are going to be back on August 11th for the return of our Monthly Meetup Challenge and you bet that they'll be some fun things going on in August because Lil' Inker Designs is turning FIVE!!!!!!!
Be sure to join us for our challenge and I look forward to seeing you then!!
If there's something here you love be sure to check it out on our pretty lil' website at! Thanks!