Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August New Release Hop Day 1

Gooood morning!!!!! If you're here by chance well, you're in luck! Today is the first day of our brand new August Release Hop and we're so glad you could join us!! Thank you! Did I mention that we'll be giving away the entire release to one lucky winner?? Read on!

We have just added some wonderful new items to the store today and I'm here to tell you all about them and even share so projects I made using these new goodies. Our entire Design Team has new projects to share with you today as well and they're amazing so let's get right to the new products so I can send you on your way to see all the eye candy we have for you today.

First up, we have a great new stamps and coordinating dies especially for birthdays called Eat Cake. Our Eat Cake Stamps is a 4 x 4 set of 4 stamps that have been hand illustrated with a birthday and party theme. While these can easily be used on their own for all kinds of birthday and party cards, they really come to life when used in conjunction with their coordinating Eat Cake Dies. This is a set of three cake-shaped dies perfectly sized for A2 cards and gift tags. Each of the stamps in the Eat Cake set can be stamped onto one of these adorably designed cakes. How fun is that?

Next up is a wonderful hand illustrated set of sweet florals together with sentiments with a positive message we're calling Encouraging Words and are designed to remind your recipients that they are loved and to inspire them to be their best. What I also love about this set is that it can also be used for Bible journaling. We've also designed an Encouraging Words Die Set which will cut out all of the floral images in the stamp set with precision and ease.

Ok, this new die set is really pretty cool! We're calling this our Deco Edge Border Dies. They were designed specifically to create a torn-edge effect on your card fronts and paper crafted projects when used together. Use the dies individually with two different tones of card stock and then layer together to achieve the look of a torn edge. Even cooler is that these dies are pretty versatile! If you use them individually they could be used on your projects to create mountains in the distance or a hill in your background or could just be used along the bottom edge of a project to add additional visual interest. You're going to LOVE experimenting with this unique die set!

The newest die in our Cover Up Die collection is this one we're calling Cover Up Die: Hello Beautiful! We named is so because it happens to coordinate with details in a popular, previously released stamp and die set with the same name (pictured below for your viewing pleasure).

Our new Cover Up Die: Hello Beautiful with cut away the intricate grid pattern you see leaving in its wake this organized but lace-like effect. It's so easy to use because of the way it's designed. Just cut and score an A2 card base, line this die up with your pre-made card base and run through your die cutting machine. I recommend that you make a couple of passes through your machine with this die because of its detailed nature. Love this new die!

Up next is a new tag die set featuring our popular Fringe Scalloped detail exclusive to Lil' Inker Designs! Can I just say how much I LOVE these and how excited I am to have this die detail in tag form?? I AM!!! If you're not familiar with this detail, let me tell you a little bit about it. After cutting out your tag, this detail can be left flat for an interesting an eye catching scalloped border around the edge of your tag OR you can raise each scallop by hand adding an adorable ruffle detail which is my favorite way to use these dies. CLICK HERE to see our other Fringe Scalloped Dies. Love love this tag set!

Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! I have had these supplies in our inventory for what seems like FOREVER and I'm so excited to finally be releasing these sweet little dinos! Here we have our Hello Dino Stamps and coordinating Hello Dino Dies. Each Dino is a solid stamp, so no coloring is necessary! Each dino is a two-step or multi-step stamp which is a fabulous thing because mixing and matching colors to create your dinos really brings them to life and adds fun! We've of course included some fun but useful sentiments for card making for birthdays, friendship, love and just because. The set wouldn't be complete without the additional accessories included to create a fun background scene like the palm tree and clouds to name a few. See also our coordinating Hello Dino Dies which will cut out your dinos and accessories with ease and precision. TIP: I found it best to stamp the dinos body only first, then die cut and then add in my coordinating detail stamps.

Here we have two new excellent products that were designed to be used together BUT you totally have the option to use these individually if you so choose. Our Ever Word Die is done in a pretty font but it's the size of the die that I find most excellent. It's pretty large at 3.25 inches wide by 2 inches high. We really wanted this die to pop off the page because when we says you're my most favorite person EVER we want you to know we mean it!! HA!!!
Also seen here is our Ever Stamp Set which features the stamp version of our Ever Word Die in the same font and size and includes the great sentiments included to make phrasings perfect for cardmaking. We also included a little flower and leaf to stamp here as well because it just felt so right and made the set complete. This is a terrific stamp set for themes like friendship, gratitude, congratulations and more! You'll love it!!

This new Modern Mandala stamp set makes me so happy because there are so many things you can do with these gorgeous mandala images! I enlarged our graphic here so that you could get a good look at how intricate and pretty they are. They are detailed enough to stand alone on their own in just inks of different colors or heat embossed. They just open enough for coloring with markers or watercoloring as well. They scream foil technique to me so I actually went and got the supplies to foil these images - more on that later this week! Originally this set started off with a different vision. I had these cut in half with a space inside to stamp the sentiments and then, with a little help, I decided to make them into solid pieces and just have a label die to over their centers. It was a great decision because now the set is entirely versatile and may not have been as so if I had gone with the original plan.

So, that being said we have a coordinating Modern Mandala Die Set that will cut out all of the pretty images in this set but also include a special label die. All of the sentiments in the set will stamp to fit on that label die and it fits perfectly over the mandalas and even hangs over the edge a bit for just the right look. I think you're going to love love love this set and all the things that it can do and just look at all the different occasions you can use this for as well! I love the simplicity of the sentiments!

Ok, so that is officially everything we have for this new release! Would you like to take a peek at some of the projects I have made for you today?

I'll start by sharing a trio of birthday cards I made using our new Eat Cake Stamps and Dies together with some of our Quilted Stitched Dies and my new, favorite Fresh Ink pads!

I started each card the same way by blending out some inks, heat embossing a sentiment in white and then die cutting with my Eat Cake Dies. How cute are these? Then, using the same inks, I stamped a sentiment background for some colorful, visual interest. Then, I made a square 4.25" card base and die cut each using a different die. On the aqua card I used our Quilted Stitched So Knotty Die. On the peach card I used our Quilted Stitched So Sunny Die and on the purple card I used our Quilted Stitched Basket Weave Die. I am so so happy to have three new birthday cards on hand as they always seem to go the fastest from my stash. I love love love these new supplies.

I have one more card for you today!

Here I've used our wonderful new Ever Word Die and Ever Stamps with an appearance from the label die in the Modern Mandala Die Set. I started with Distress Oxide Inks which I blended out onto water color paper and then distressed by dropping bits of water onto. Once dried I rounded the corners of my base with my corner rounder tool. Then, I die cut my Ever Word Die from white stock and added some crystal glitter to it and completed the phrase with a stamp from the Ever Stamp set and now I have a pretty thank you card the next time I need one. Oh, and if you look closely, you can see the label die from the Mandala set which I traced onto black stock and cut out one end which allowed me to make this into a longer strip to fit my sentiment but still with a decorative end. I also popped on the flower and leaf from the Ever Stamp set which compliments my design. I love how this turned out. I'm huge into heat embossing white onto black stock right now!

Would you like an opportunity to win everything from our August Release?

All you have to do to be eligible to win is leave comments for our designers along your way as you hop with us the next three days. Comments should be left by Tuesday, 8/8/2017 at 11:30 PM EST!

Here is a list of everyone participating in our hop today:

Here are all of the people participating in today's hop:

That will do it for me today! Head on over to each of the designer's blogs to see what they've made to share with you today. Then, head on over to OUR STORE to read up in additional detail everything that's new in store this week.

Thank you so much for joining me today and as always, for supporting my small business!!

Lots of love and craft hugs,


Like Lil' Inker Designs? Follow us on social media!


  1. Hi Laura ~ What a fun release!! I fell in love with the Ever stamp & die set instantly and am so thrilled to be getting them. I have so many weddings this year and these are perfect. I can't wait to see more of your DT's creations! ~HUGS~

  2. This is such an amazing release, Laura! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it. Everyone has done incredible work!!

  3. Wonderful release. Love the cake cards with the great backgrounds.

  4. *HAPPYDANCE* so uumm yeah I crafty stalk Jessica Frost-Ballas and of course just checking IG before bed and what do I see!! Lil Inker release is live!!! OhEmGee!! I will finish hopping in the morning but super yummy release!!!

  5. You have lots of cute release love them.. wish you all the best

  6. Wow! Another amazing release!!! Hello Dino and Eat Cakes stamps and dies are my fav!!!

  7. wowie! awesome new release... love love love the modern mandala :)

  8. I'm loving the Eat Cakes stamp and dies. Also loving this release. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  9. WOW Laura, your cards are AMAZING! However, I am NOT surprised! After using your products I am becoming obsessed with them! (You could say I am hooked! LOL)
    LOVE the Encouraging words, the Cover Plate and the Dino set is ADORABLE! (Just to name a few.) Cannot wait to see the DT's projects using them all!

  10. ACK! Another awesome release! Love your cards here!!!

  11. What a fabulous release! Hard to pick a favorite so I'll pick two - the beautiful birthday cakes and the fun dinosaurs. All will be so much fun to play with.

  12. Wow, I thought last month's release was THE best EVER! haha This one is
    just as fabulous. Love the sweet birthday cards you made. I LOVE the Mandala
    stamp, so pretty! And the Encouraging Words is an awesome set I'll have to get.

  13. Amazing as always, Laura! I love your cake cards!!! What a great release!

  14. Laura I love your enthusiasm, your cards, and this latest brilliant release! best EVER die will be mine, just sayin'!

  15. I see so many wonderful things in this release. I'm anxious to see the Deco edge border dies used.

  16. Everything is so great. But I love the Ever stamp and die combo. I can see myself using those often

  17. SO love this new release! Especially the birthday dies & the dinos - can never have too many dinos! The cake cards are so fun. :-)

  18. Love the dinos and the entire release!

  19. So many tantalizing new goodies!!! I am smitten with that large and lovely Ever that pairs so well with so much! Then there are the encouraging words, the mandalas, Hello Beautiful, the cute dinos... Love it all!!

  20. Such an awesome release, as always! I especially love Modern Mandala and Eat Cake :)

  21. Super cute that Eat cake is!! I also love the modern mandala!!

  22. Fun release and cool cards...love it all!

  23. Love the colors of the inks.
    the doilies are so pretty.
    Great release.
    thanks for sharing.

  24. Woohoo... Looks like lots of fun coming!!!!

  25. Fab new release - thanks for all the wonderful creations you shared:)

  26. Great designs coming! Thanks for the preview!

  27. This is a great release! I can't wait to go through the blog hop and see more goodies with the fun products we've seen today!

  28. Oh my word...awesome release and cards!

  29. Yay! I've been waiting for this day! I love your release days. Can't wait to see what your team has done with these new items. I love the 'ever' die and stamps!

  30. Great new stamps and dies. I like the Encouraging Words set.

  31. Love your Eat Cake cards- the gradient color and pastels are so pretty!

  32. All these products are amazing!

  33. Great birthday cards! Love the design! Awesome Release!

  34. Awesome Release ...Love the cards...and those Madala's are just awesome..

  35. Amazing release! Love the new cover up die and the Eat Cake stamps and dies. My favorite is the Hello Dino set. My son is five years old and obsessed with dinosaurs. It is just perfect for him!

  36. Another ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS release - I LOVE IT ALL!
    LOVE your cards too!

  37. What an amazing release! Loving all the different pieces, especially the floral and that little bird!

  38. What a fabulous release! I really love the Eat Cake stamps and dies - and your samples are lovely.

  39. I just love the EVER die! Gotta have it

  40. Wow...another amazing release! 🙂

  41. Congratulations on your new release!-Maria Giselle B.

  42. Love all of it, especially the dinos and the mandalas!

  43. Jaw dropped. These are amazing cards, Laura! Your passion and talent truly stands out in this post.

  44. The fonts of the sentiments are great. The heading, with the mandala card... Loving that card. White embossed and inked in orange and purple. Great look.

  45. Love the cards! The Eat Cake set is fabulous! So many fun new stamps and dies.... great release!

  46. Fabulous new products! Can't wait to see what all the ladies created!

  47. This is such a fun release! The little dinos are absoultely adorable and are at the top of my list. Am looking forward to seeing the creativity on the hop :)

  48. SQUEAL!! SUPER SUPER SUPER EXCITED about this AWESOME Release and ALL of the AMAZING Inspiration!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  49. Super awesome release and inspiration! Love the dino stamps!!!
