Monday, February 1, 2016

You Made It Monday Vol. 11

I hope you enjoyed our January release!  We had a great time showing off the new products and the team's amazing creations with them.  It is so fun to see what the team comes up with for each release and they just seem to impress me with their creativity more and more each time!

I had a great time this week checking out all the amazing things you've created with Lil' Inker Designs products.  There were so many projects I loved that it was really hard to narrow it down to a few.  Thank goodness, I get to do a post every Monday!  Here are a few of my favorites. 
First up, is a card that I'm SO happy I stumbled upon on Flickr.  Cornelia Wenokor is going to make you grin with this card using Party Pachyderms.

I'm not sure which is cuter, the outside or the inside of this card.  The bright colors are fabulous and the little touches make it hard to resist.  I just adore the balloon on the inside.  No one could have anything but a happy birthday when they receive a card this cute.  You can check it out on Cornelia's blog as well as on Flickr.  Thanks SO much for sharing!     

@231_mumu really blew me away this week on Instagram.  Just look at these:

I knew Really Rosemaling was a special stamp set but I'm continually amazed at the different ways people think to use it and the different arrangements they come up with.  Each of these color variations is fabulous and the way all the elements come together to form this amazing image, flawless!  WOW!

Another card I couldn't help but share comes from Lin and her blog Sending Hugs.

Lin made the Perky Posies really pop!  I just love how the polka dot background makes the colors really stand out.  The buttons are just so sweet as flower centers.  Plus, the layout really keeps your eye interested.  Gorgeous card, Lin!
Finally, this card from Jenny at Crafting in the Country is too perfect!

Jenny used I'm All You're All and Speech Bubbles in such an adorably creative way.  The scenes are magical to begin with but the little conversation makes it even more sweet.  Wooo hooo, Jenny, you did it!   

We hope you enjoyed this small glimpse of the amazing creations you guys are sharing using Lil’ Inker Designs products.  I can’t wait to see what else I discover in the weeks to come.  We’d love to have you share your creations with us by:
  • Tagging us in project pictures on Facebook 
  • Using #lilinkerdesigns when you post a picture to Instagram.
  • Keep blogging and add a Lil’ Inker Designs label to your posts.
  • Pin your projects to Pinterest with Lil’ Inker Designs in the description.
  • Join our Flickr group and add your creations.
We'd love to have you share there as well.  We want to find your projects and these are some of the ways you can help us do that.

You never know, you might find yourself the subject of the next You Made It Monday!  Have a great week and as always, happy crafting.

 If you were featured today, please email me at to receive your special blog badge! We loved your work this week and were so happy to see it!     

Love and hugs,


  1. FUN & FABULOUS cards!!!
    CONGRATULATIONS - I can see why your CREATIVE designs MADE-IT :)

  2. Brilliant cards :) thanks for showing my card too X

  3. Thanks for the shout-out! Such great cards you picked!

  4. Just found this! So pleased to see you liked my card! Thanks so much for featuring it!

  5. Just found this! So pleased to see you liked my card! Thanks so much for featuring it!
