Wednesday, March 5, 2014

World Card Making Day Hop Prize Winner Announced & More

Good morning, Lil' Inker Friends! Wow, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my Word Card Making Day Thank You Hop post! Each and every comment made my day. There is honestly nothing better than reading how much someone likes your card, right? So, thank you very very much!

I want to announce the winner of the lil' prize I'm giving away for commenting on the WCMD post and telling me your favorite theme to make cards for, BUT FIRST.........

Did you see this?

We are getting ready for a brand new release on March 24th and not only does it have awesome new dies and stamps for Spring and more it brings with it the reveal of our brand new look. We hope that you'll join us beginning March 24th to come and check out our new look and feel as well as to see our new goodies! We're releasing 5 sets of dies (yes, I said 5) and 2 brand new stamp sets! I am SO SUPER PUMPED about our new look!! Wooooo hoooo!!!

Ok, NOW....onto our winner! I picked a winner at random this morning to receive our Spot On Stamp Set and its coordinating Connected Circles Die! Both of these goodies were in the prize package won by each of the WCMD winners!

Our randomly selected winner is 

who said

Congratulations, Lisa!!! You are our prize winner! Please send me an email at lilinker designs at gmail dot com with the subject line WCMD Hop Prize Winner including your full name and mailing address!

Thank you again to everyone who came by to say hi and left me some love and joined us for this amazing hop! I still can't believe I'm included with the amazingly talented group of ladies that won the World Card Making Day contest! Pinch me!!!



  1. I can't wait until the 24th to see all your new dies!! I love your dies and stamps!!

  2. Congrats to Lisa!
    I can't wait to see the new dies and stamps! :)

  3. Congratulations, Lisa!! Can't wait to the new release!!

  4. Congrats Lisa , and shall be waiting for the new releases

  5. Congrats to Lisa! Love the stitching in your new look - it's only appropriate!! Pamela

  6. Congrats Lisa! Can't wait to the see the new goodies Laura! TFS

  7. Woo hoo!!! Thank you! Sending you an E-mail now.
