Friday, November 22, 2013

Holiday Flashback

Hey there, Lil' Inker Fans!

I was just having a look some of the projects made with previously released Holiday and Winter goodies from Lil' Inker. I was inspired and I thought you might be too so I thought I'd stop by to share some things with you!

It's just a little something for your viewing pleasure :) There are SO MANY more fabulous projects made with these goodies. The projects you see below are what I had immediate access to on my computer.

All of the projects made here use goodies that are currently available in our store!

I think it's fun to take a look back at all these projects and goodies! I hope you think so too!

We'll see you early next week for our November Release Re-Cap and to announce our three $15 gift certificate prize winners! You still have time to comment on our new release posts to be eligible to win! Just leave comments through November 24th at 11:30 PM EST.

Thanks so much for stopping by today and have a great weekend!!!!



  1. Wowowowowow!! A TOTAL FEAST for the Eyes!! What AWESOME Inspiration for today!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and have a Fabulous Weekend!! ;) looking forward to it!! ;)

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the stroll though this stunning gallery, stopping along the way for plenty of gazing and admiring! Thanks for sharing and inspiring!!

  3. SO many great ideas here! I remember that lavender snowflake tag!!! ;)

  4. Wow, everything is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this incredible gallery of goodenss. Love them all.
    Patricia B

  5. Wow, what a whole lot of Christmas goodness! I love so many of the ideas.

  6. Love all your cards and tags. Great ideas.

  7. I'm enjoying all your new designs in dies and stamps and great cards. I plan to put in an order for them.

  8. wow great post.. everything is amazing..

  9. Seeing all these adorable projects, you can't help but want everything showcased.

  10. I love using your dies and these projects make your stamps look wonderful, too! It was great seeing all these inspirational cards and tags.
